Tag Archives: Wendy Klemperer

Wendy Klemperer video

Wendy Klemperer just sent me this  link to  A fascinating video of her extensive exhibit Re-Imagined at Maine Audubon near Freeport, that has been produced by her videographer sister, Joyce Klemperer. The exhibit, which runs until May, 2011, was curated by June LaCombe Sculpture. Wendy is a sculptor adept at drawing wildlife in 3D. She […]

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Wendy Klemperer: gestures of life

  My sculptures use the body language of animals to express a feeling or state of being, with motion conveying emotion. – Wendy Klemperer How did you arrive at your very expressive signature method of drawing in space with previously used rebar? Over the years I have experimented with many sculptural materials, and also painted […]

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