
I did not participate in any of the women’s rallies yesterday, but here is my small protest sign. Several months ago I worked on a modification to the women’s gender symbol. Well, today its meaning is enhanced.

Mr. Trump said yesterday that he will work for all Americans. That we the people will run this country. Good. I have some ideas about that.

  1. All people are created equal. Therefore people of all genders, races, and persuasions and all religious philosophies should be respected and empowered.
  2. Everyone should have health insurance. No one should touch one iota of the Affordable Care Act until there is a complete plan for a verifiably better law approved by congress and the senate.
  3.  No changes to the organization or benefits of Medicare, Medicaid, or our National Parks should be allowed except to make them more available to every American and more beneficial for their originally intended purpose.
  4. We must join with other countries of this world to clean our air, earth, and water and reduce human impact on the environment. Our survival depends on it.
  5. Lies will not be tolerated. We are not stupid.


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